The weight of being the black person in any industry, field or room is really heavy.
In the beginning you have thread carefully to not shake things up too much and yet even then they find, to slow you down.
You constantly under attack for just being you. The spotlight is bigger and the critics are always waiting for you to slip up.
I have probably written about Lewis Hamilton a lot because I admire his drive and relate so much to him as the only person in a certain field, especially something in the auto industry.
It’s never easy being the only black person in something and until someone really lives your life everyday they can never understand.
But ours as black leaders and some fortunate enough to have a voice, have a responsibility to bring light to issues of unfair treatment, discrimination and operation.
In just eight months I have been attacked and have had government and large private companies come at us but we will push forward despite it all.
Our responsibility is much greater than us and our desires. Pioneers might get arrows in their back but it doesn’t mean they don’t make it through to the finish line.