As humans we really have selfish short memories, we are so quick to forget the sacrifices that our loved ones make for us so that we can go out and do what we do.
As an entrepreneur or creator, it’s hard to get anywhere without a strong support system. Today I was thinking about my support structure and how much some people have played a role in my life that allowed me to be here.
Sithembiso Mabena is the first one, the best bro anyone could ever ask for. He has helped me financially and psychologically through tough times and there have been countless ones. Secondly is Neon Ruiters, a true friend from the first time we met in 2014. He has driven me places, physically offered help and whenever tell him about my problems, he offers help without me even having to ask.
Then there’s my old, a man who has not given up on my crazy ventures, when things slow down or I pivot, he doesn’t ask questions but pitches in where necessary.
These are some of my heroes and there are dozens more like my brother. There are people who wake up every morning, go to work, and sacrifice it all so that I could have a shot at success. They never complain, keep score, or ask for anything in return.
Whenever things gets hard, I’m reminded of the people who have put so much in me, who believe when I don’t.
We need to appreciate parents who stayed at jobs they didn’t love just so that we could go to varsity and live out our dreams, friends who buy products, stream and post our music or fund our business with the little they have. May the wins be shared equally and let them know that you’re grateful for the sacrifices they make that enable us to chase our dreams.
Have a great weekend, you’re loved.