I was so amazed watching Mo. Salah’s interview with GQ and how he answered questions posted by people on the internet.
In one question I saw the humble Salah who talks about the team and says he can’t comment on certain things because it’s a matter of opinion.
But in the same breathe say that he believes he’s the best and states the records he has broken.
Some people might watch that interview and find him arrogant in some ways but all he is, is a man with a lot of ßelf confidence and belief.
You don’t become the best player in the world by doubling down on your abilities, you don’t become Musk and the man changing the world by thinking you can’t. This whole believe that they can change the world, often do, that’s Jobs right there.
But the majority that don’t have that self confidence and belief confuse it for arrogance.
Today Cristiano Ronaldo’s interview on Sky Sports was realised and he said he expects 1st, 2nd or 3rd for himself and the club. Nothing else.
In the comments someone expressed how he don’t like him because he’s arrogant, when asked when was he once arrogant. The person in question couldn’t say or bring evidence to this.
Cristiano is another perfect example of someone who’s self confidence and belief and confused for arrogance. If he didn’t believe in himself like he does, that he’s the world in the world and no one is better than then he wouldn’t have achieved all that he’s achieved until this point.
Never down or up on people, treat everyone as equals and never ever doubt yourself and down play your abilities.