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It all seems to be done overnight. Out of nowhere this person comes and then success. We all know that there are failures along the journey, that’s something we all say. But there is also working in stealth mode, collecting and putting everything together in… Read More »Overnight

Slippery Slop

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We sometimes find ourselves in situations that reveal our true self. One such instance can be the beginning of the thread that unravels everything and the more damage control we try to do, the more we expose.

Motivated By Loses

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I have written before about how a depressed/sad artist creates some of the best work. It is mostly through the search of finding ourselves, digging ourselves out of a deep hole that we find our true selves. “Your first loss is your best loss-cut it… Read More »Motivated By Loses

What The F For?

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The question you ask back when asked to give up on something. Not until every possible avenue has been explored and exhausted. And even then, sometimes to helps to wait and see how time responds to everything. We should and can’t never complain or give… Read More »What The F For?

The Decisions We Don’t Make

Sometimes the most important decisions are the ones we don’t make. Not everything requires a reaction from us, sometimes we just need to not make a decision, let the situation handle itself and move on. And those always have a low regret rare.

But, Come On

I understand that every organization has it’s own criteria and rule of law but, come on. It doesn’t make any sense that you can apply to organizations’ such as SEFA and GEP for PO funding for something under R50k. They will ask you for a… Read More »But, Come On