There great ways to get required results in anything without doing them the traditional way but taking smartcuts. One method I’ve been using for years now is walking long distances that normally require use of a car.
And lately I have been walking the 6km distance to office, to and back and that’s a total of 12km a day. During the walk I listen to a podcast and it’s been great.
I want to challenge those who work close to the office to try this. Yes walking is not like running but it still has its own health benefits, I certainly feel better by the day, and not only that but it also clears your head and allows you to have some time to disconnect and reset before starting the day and after.
On the podcast end, the hack is that you get to learn while you on your way to work, utilize that time productively.
I suggest the Tim Ferris Show Podcast, as you can get a wide range of topics covered therefrom performance, start-ups, mental health, fitness, and other great life hacks.